Wednesday, April 10, 2024

'Little', 'A little' and 'Few', 'A few'

Some students are found confused while using 'little' and 'a little' and similarly while using 'few' and 'a few'. To help you be confident in their use, I have tried a little bit. Mastering these subtle differences can elevate your communication skills and ensure clarity in your messages.

How do you use these expressions in your daily conversations? Feel free to share your ideas.

A little

'A little' is used with positive quantity and non-countable nouns. It means 'a small amount' or 'some'. It carries a positive tone.


a. There is a little milk in the refrigerator.
b. Would you like a little water?
c. Can't you discount it a little?
d. I need a little sugar. I will have tea.


'Little' expresses a diminutive size or a negative quantity. Little means 'almost nothing' or 'not much'. It carries a negative tone.


a. I'm sorry, I speak little English.
b. There was little time to finish my homework.
c. The kitten is little.
d. I have drunk little water this morning.

Also look at the following examples:

a. There is a little milk in the refrigerator, isn't there? (positive statement, negative tag)

b. There is little milk in the refrigerator, is it? (negative statement, positive tag)

A few

'A few' represents a positive quantity. It is used with plural nouns. It means 'some', 'a small amount'.

A few + Plural Countable Nouns

It carries a positive tone.


a. He has a few good friends, so he is happy.
b. There are a few books on the shelf.
c. We stayed a few days in Pokhara and visited the Fewa Lake.
d. Itahara Bazar is a few kilometres away from Sunbarsi Ma.Vi.


'Few' represents a negative quantity or shortage. It is used with plural countable nouns. It means 'not many', 'not enough'.

Few + Plural Countable Nouns

It carries a negative tone.


a. I have got few friends in the city, so l am lonely.
b. They have got few cakes on the table.
c. He has few photos on Facebook.


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