Monday, October 24, 2022

Eight forms of Goddess Laxmi (Ashta Laxmi)

The names of the eight forms mother Laxmi are Aadi Laxmi, Dhaanya Laxmi, Dhairya Laxmi, Gaja Laxmi, Santan Laxmi, Vijaya Laxmi, Vidya Laxmi and Dhana Laxmi.            

Aadi Laxmi : Aadi Laxmi is considered as the primordial form of Laxmi. She is the iccha Shakti of Aadi Parashakti, the primordial supreme consciousness. She is the mother of creation as everything which is composed of time, space and matter has born out of her desire. 

Dhaanya Laxmi : Dhaanya means food grains. As Dhaanya Laxmi she is the one who creates food resources on earth whether from giving birth to seeds, its germination, fertility of soil and conducive climate for growth of vegetation is provided by her blessings. 

Dhairya Laxmi : Dhairya means patience. This form of Laxmi grants patience and stability of mind to her devotees. 

Gaja Laxmi : Gaja Laxmi is seated on a fully bloomed lotus and two elephants/Gaja pour milk nectar upon her body from their kalasha vessels. This form of Laxmi is the granter of Aananda or ecstasy. 

Santan Laxmi: Santan means offspring or children. She is the Universal Mother to all species of life, and also grants Auspiciousness of fertility and children to her devotees. 

Vijaya Laxmi : Vijaya Laxmi is the one who is forever victorious upon all inner enemies spawned in mind which are anger, greed, passion, lust, ego and high handedness. Vijaya Laxmi grants her devotee that phenomenal intelligence which helps them to take control over these enemies and to progress further in their spiritual path. 

Vidya Laxmi : Vidya means wisdom/ knowledge. This form of Mahalaxmi is the granter of highest knowledge to her devotees. 

Dhana Laxmi : Dhana Laxmi is inner auspiciousness, and also is the creator of material wealth and prosperity. As inner auspiciousness or Dhana she gives auspicious thoughts and peace in mind.                                                                                                                   Yagya Kumar Niraula                                        

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